Bandurića Kuća Estate
Tucked away in a quiet hamlet overlooking open countryside, you will find Bandurića Kuća Estate.
Let Matea tell you more!
Let's Measure The Estate
Spend your holiday relaxing on an estate which is, well, ask Matea how many meters long.
Terrace Number 1
Early birds catch - the moment for themselves on terrace number 1
Terrace Number 2
The best place to have brekkie - terrace number 2
Terrace Number 3
Let Matea show you the benefits of doing - nothing ( on terrace number 3, of course).
Pottering In The Garden
Too active to be just sitting? In that case catch a shovel that Matea is offering and do some gardening.
Time For a Glass Of Wine
Fancy a glass of wine?
The Importance Of Being Turquoise
Turquoise represents wisdom, tranquility, good fortune and hope. We hope that you will have a good time exploring the colours of the central house and open terrace.
Time For Chocolate
Wood touches our senses. Its texture and smell make us feel rooted. Even more so if the house is immersed in the forest. Take a look!
Feel like cycling?
Feel like running?
Let's Party!
When translated, the word Zvirići most likely refers to animals. So, why not at the end of the day turn into a party animal?
One word - Pool !!!